
class sdmxthon.model.itemScheme.Item(id_: str | None = None, uri: str | None = None, urn: str | None = None, annotations=None, name: InternationalString | None = None, description: InternationalString | None = None, scheme=None, parent=None, childs=None)

Bases: NameableArtefact

The Item is an item of content in an Item Scheme. This may be a concept in a concept scheme, a code in a codelist etc.


Adds a child to the Item

property childs

Reference to the child Items

property parent

Reference to the parent Item

property scheme

Reference to the ItemScheme


class sdmxthon.model.itemScheme.Code

Bases: Item

A language independent set of letters, numbers or symbols that represent a concept whose meaning is described in a natural language




class sdmxthon.model.itemScheme.Concept(id_: str | None = None, uri: str | None = None, urn: str | None = None, annotations=None, name: InternationalString | None = None, description: InternationalString | None = None, scheme: ItemScheme | None = None, parent: Item | None = None, childs=None, core_representation: Representation | None = None)

Bases: Item

A concept is a unit of knowledge created by a unique combination of characteristics.



property core_representation

Associates a Representation


class sdmxthon.model.itemScheme.Agency(id_: str | None = None, uri: str | None = None, urn: str | None = None, annotations=None, name: InternationalString | None = None, description: InternationalString | None = None, scheme: ItemScheme | None = None, contacts: List[Contact] | None = None)

Bases: Item

Provides identity to all derived classes. It also provides annotations to derived classes because it is a subclass of AnnotableArtefact.



property contacts

list of associations to the Contact Information